The Science Of Music At The ANC

Can music calm the savage beast?  We are not sure, but it can conquer the summer doldrums for your youngsters!  Join fellow young scientists ages 6 to through 11 to explore music from a scientific perspective.  The program will run Tuesday July 9  through Thursday July11 at the Art and Nature Center  Snapshot Science, LLC.  Participants will discover how sound is made by a variety of instruments and everyday objects, how sound travels, how hearing works, and music of the natural world.

Tuesday, July 9th – Sound Wednesday, July 10th – Hearing & Instruments Thursday, July 11th – Breathing, Brass, and Bats

How is sound made? How do scientists measure sound? How does sound move through air?  Experiment – High or Low?Ear Anatomy; Experiment – Can you hear a pin drop?  Construct a simple instrument, Construct a model of the lung from simple materials. Experiment - How do wind instruments change pitch?  Construct a simple wind instrument.  Nature sounds games Waltz in to the Washington Island Art & Nature Center to sign up.  Space limited to first 15.  Participants are asked to participate all 3 days. Snapshot Science, LLC…Find us on Facebook!